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Address:NO.1-3 Bazi Industrial Park in HeHua Road Licheng County ,Jinan


About usAbout us

YITAI JIAHE precision machinery Ltd, located at the world famous granite mine: "Ji nan Qing", is a professional enterprise which engaged in the research and development of granite precision measuring tools as well as precision machinery. Company covers an area of more than 7,000. square meters, and total investment of 20 million RMB, with a workshop of 2,500 square meters as well as a constant temperature workshop of 600 square meters and a staff of more than 80 people including 15 technicians. Our company is equipped with electronic instrumentation, and conduct the implementation of computer data processing. Products are mainly exported to Japan, Korea, Germany, Taiwan and other countries and regions. [more+]


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Address:NO.1-3 Bazi Industrial Park in HeHua Road Licheng County ,Jinan
Fax:0531-61315699 Telephone:0531-61315677
SKYPE: cony0426@hotmail.com
Technical support:Honglida
  • 電話咨詢

  • 531-61315677
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