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Address:NO.1-3 Bazi Industrial Park in HeHua Road Licheng County ,Jinan

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Granite measuring defects repair

Source: Time:2016-04-16 16:13:20 views:


On a regular basis with a slightly damp cloth to wipe the table with a mild detergent, then wipe dry with a clean soft cloth and polished, when the surface contamination of mordants such as with lighter with some lemon juice or vinegar to clean a stain, avoid by all means use soap or the nature of soda ash and other vulnerable granite measuring tool materials to clean.

Granite and granite is relatively easy to clean and maintenance, spare time with some detergent for simple surface cleaning, can protect their is ever new. For minor bruises marble furniture, can be used special marble cleaner and nurse agent; Wear serious marble furniture is hard to processing, precision machining and micro machining technology is the collection machine, electricity, light, computer control technology, new material, the multi-discipline integrated technology. In the material, natural granite due to the characteristics of its own more and more attention.

Granite measuring conditions to produce a variety of causes, according to the pollution source, pollution can be divided into metal rust color yellow, plant pollution, chemical pigment and colloid pollution, various oil pollution, FanJian, etc. These pollution performance shape and the color is different, how pollution according to the shape, color, and to distinguish what is its pollutants in environment.

Only need these conditions produce after treatment agent, conditions need to how much control agent, just how much control agent is the best. In practice, different kinds of stone material, different degree of disease and the composition of management agent, the concentration of the governance have very big change, or choose the place with enough light, the same will be marble platform in place, with different distance of observation, if have no defect found, it is concluded that intact, if there are cracks or dents to check out, and concludes that for the unqualified products, such as stain.

Granite measuring spray layer formed by the arc welding more similar with the color of the parent metal. But it has a certain amount of Ni, so can't and closer to the parent metal color, can undertake machining after welding repair. Traditional spray welding, arc welding process, welding cracks easily after repair, easy to heat deformation of workpiece, the warm granite platform and heating time is long, the workpiece heated area is larger. Prone to secondary porosity, weld metal color and large difference of parent metal is their common characteristic, that is traditional welding repair technology cannot completely solve the root cause of the machine tool guide rail defect repair.

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